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The Inbreaker - best as an eye-catcherПечать

This encouraging first feature by a young Vancouver film-maker offers a look at the hard life of B.C. halibut fishermen in locations far off the tourist path-but with scarcely a ripple of drama


The Inbreaker - best as an eye-catcher


With Thursday night’s spotlighted premiere of The Inbreaker at The Orpheum Theatre, Bob Elliott has proved that he can do what he wants to do, and that is to make movies.


His next challenge is to make better movies because The Inbreaker, his first feature, though not a bad film, certainly can be improved on.


Those easily satisfied by a movie, especially when it is made right on their doorstep, will find The Inbreaker has almost everything in it th pass as mild family entertainment.


It gives audiences a tantalizing blend. Of lush and colorful B.C. scenery and a look at natural locations far off the beaten tourist path. It also informs as it entertains, providing a dramatic look at the hard life of B.C.’s halibut fishermen, both at sea and on land.


But despite the efforts of all concerned о stir up an exciting story out of the hared and rivalry of a white fishboat captain and an Indian skipper, the plot barely creates a ripple of suspense and action in 99 minutes of movie.


Elliot, Crawford and Yesno the challenge is to make better movies Glenn Baglo Photo

Elliot, Crawford and Yesno... the challenge is to make better movies

- Glenn Baglo Photo


The screenplay by Jake Zilber and W. I. Sigurgeison is slim in dramatic content and stretched out to fill up time, often with gratuitous, contrived scenes hat do nothing to propel the story, and badded with arch, trite dialogue that dampens interest in the characters.


Banal direction by George McCowan, with unfortunate signs of actual disinterest and a knowledge that the film editor could patch things up later, does a tremendous disservice to these connected with the production who threw themselves into it energetically and seriously.


Werner Franz, who did the editing, and also is responsible for some beautiful second unit camerawork, deserves praise for what he has been able to put in the screen. Miklos' Lente’s cinematography is a plus for The Inbreaker, too, Seldom in a locally-made movie have the scenic qualities been captured with such moody beauty.The trouble is that, With all the eyecatching images in the background, the characterizations — and the lack of hem, too — are flat. Failure to develop hem in the screenplay, and an absence of instructive direction, results in the players themselves having to assume responsibility that is not theirs.Canadian actor Johnny Yesno is the most creative performer in The Inbreaker but the is pampered by some really awkward dialbgue that weakens his intelligent, inbred awareness of his role.


He and American actor Johnny Crawford establish a solid rapport early in the movie and their relationship has a positive land real impact on the drama.


Crawford plays a university I student from the Prairies who goes to Alert Bay to spend the Rimmer fishing to finance his education and repay the money his brother has been giving him. When his brother Christopher George, can’t use him on his boat, Crawford breaks in as a fisherman on Indian Yesno’s boat. That’s why the movie is the Inbreaker.


American Christopher George does everything but twirl his moustache, as the villain of the piece, a sore loser with a deep enmity toward Yesno and a racist superiority to all Indians.


George comes on too strongly much of the time, and when he is not overacting he is so wooden that he could double for an Indian totem pole.The supporting players, all Canadians, have little to do but do it well. Al Kozlik, as George’s partner, is a craggy- faced asset in a well- thought - out portrayal of a rough and ready fisherman Lenny George, trapped in a “typical Indian” role and scalped in a heedless murder scene, is added strength, Pretty Wendy Sparrow, in an unresolved love interest bit, fulfils her role with dignity and warmth. Gordon Robertson, in another unoriginal drunken oldtimer bit, and Jacques Hubeit, ad a beer parlor trouble-maker, pad out the movie with welcome touches of humor.


A mellow but spritely musical score by Grant Horrocks, is a real lifeline for The Inbreaker, rescuing it repeatedly when inertia sets in. And the title song by Michael Palmer has more impetus to it than the story.


The Ipbreaker continues its run today at The Orpheum, Park Royal and Richmond Square theatres nd soon will be seen in more than 30 В.C. communities, andthroughout Canada.


The Capitol Theatre will close its doors in about two mjnths and re-open as a six auditorium complex, it was announced here Thursday by Famous Players Ltd. president George Destounis.


He said the re-development will be a multi - million dollar job and was decided on after sale of The Orpheum to the city because of Famous Players “determinatioh to be represented on Theatre row.”


The plans, according to Leon G. Dirassar, of the Vancouver architectural firm of Dirassar, James and Jorgenson, call for two levels of underground parking and six cinemas on three levels. He said a redevelopment permit application is being processed.


Destounis said every effort will be made to preserve as much of the Capitol as it now exists although, because of the extensive reconstruction, the job almost requires “starting from scratch.”


When the city decided to buy The Orpheurn, Famous Players was left with out 2.800 seats for its movies. Demolition of The Strand deprived the company of another 1.000 seats. The present Capitol has about 1,100 seats. The new Birks’ corner for Vancouver Centre will include a twin theatre that Famous Players will operate.


Main entrance of The Capitol will remain on Granville but there will be another major entrance off Seymour and a walk-through between the streets.


The theatres will be “single purpose.” said Destounis, which means they will be for movies only. Movie attendance — for the first time in Canada in eight years - is up for the first quarter of 1974 and Famous Players is confident of a better flow of product to justify six screens instead of one.




Entertainment Fri., Juno 14, 1974

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