We are on the eve of the men's holiday - February 23. Times are changing, and the new authorities are trying in every possible way to distort, pervert, and replace this holiday. But all of us who served in the Soviet army and navy know and celebrate it exclusively as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy! And it belongs only to us. Those who have not served, let them stand modestly on the sidelines ... Maybe they will come up with a holiday for them, for example, the Day of those who have fallen away from the army. Or Ssykun's Day. Because no matter how the citizens try to explain their slopes from the army, their excuses do not work. The main reason is they were just scared.
February 23, as the day of the defender of the Motherland, the Fatherland, is primarily a holiday of nostalgia. Men gather in a circle and remember "glorious days"... something similar to a meeting of school friends, classmates... And therefore, a woman must understand that the first gift is to let her husband go if he wants to be with friends or acquaintances... It's his right to this day!
Unlike March 8 - February 23 is not a mercantile holiday. No need to give a husband or friend socks or shirts, shaving cream and so on. The gift on this day is simpler and more mundane - a good table, if possible, alcohol, something sincere... and patience. We love to tell our military cases, adventures or stories after drinking a little. Well, yes, we'll brag, and we'll add a little... That's all, no more is needed.
Of course, here I do not consider excesses - people who do not know how to drink, or simply inadequate - let them go by.
And it is very good if relatives and friends understand a person, accept him for who he is. And the next day, if it so happened, they will bring a mug of cucumber pickle, or a jar of cold beer...
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